
  1. What's new

    November 1, 2023

    Build Performance Max asset groups You can now create Performance Max projects in order to assemble text, image, and video assets that you want to use in a Performance Max campaign. A checklist displays the recommended number of each type of asset, and updates automatically as you add assets. You can create a preview sheet of potential ads with different combinations of your assets, and share the preview sheet with others. Once you're done, you can export the assets to a linked Google Ads account.
  2. What's new

    October 23, 2023

    Search insights in Ads Creative Studio You can now view the top and trending Google searches related to your products and services by visiting the new Insights page in your Ads Creative Studio account. Filter by region, user language, or time period to better understand what your audience is searching for. You can also enter a search category and see how interest in that category changed over time or differed by region.
  3. What's new

    September 25, 2023

    Add voice-overs to video projects The new voice-over element gives you an easy way to add high-quality, lifelike text-to-speech voice-overs to your video projects. Voice-overs can be added in 18 languages: English (United States, Indian, Australian, or British), Hindi, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Malaysian, Mandarin, Filipino, Korean, Swedish, German, Italian, Japanese, Danish, or Dutch. You can adjust the voice, speed, and style. You can also turn on ducking to reduce the volume of other audio in your ad by 45% to be able to hear the voiceover audio clearly.
  4. What's new

    May 2, 2023

    Set priorities and default variants for display projects You can now group rules by priority for customizable display projects. This will help you create granular rules for your most desirable audience segment. You can then create groups and rules of decreasing priority to serve ad variants suited to broader audience segments. When there’s no match for your highest priority group, the next group is checked until a match is found. You can also set default variants to serve when none of your rules match.
  5. What's new

    April 3, 2023

    Two new video templates added We’ve added two new customizable video templates to help you make the most of your creative assets: Image Pan & Zoom and Audio With Image. Image Pan & Zoom – Create a video by adding motion to still images that play one after another. Audio With Image – Create a video by combining your audio ad with a branded image. Add pan and zoom effects to images in video templates You can add pan and zoom effects to bring more motion to images in any video template. To add pan and zoom: Open your video template. Click on an image element, then go to the pan & zoom tab to turn…
  6. What's new

    March 6, 2023

    Export videos to Campaign Manager 360 You can now create video projects for Campaign Manager 360 and export them directly to a linked account. To get started, link a Campaign Manager 360 advertiser to your Ads Creative Studio account. After the accounts are linked, you can select Campaign Manager 360 as the ad platform when you create a new video project. When you’re ready to export the project, you can choose to send your videos to any linked Campaign Manager 360 advertiser. Target time and day in Campaign Manager 360 video projects You can add schedule rules in video projects for Campaign Ma…
  7. What's new

    February 27, 2023

    Export video projects to linked Google Ads accounts You can now export video projects directly to any Google Ads account you’ve linked to your Ads Creative Studio account. You no longer need to share an export code for each project export. Instead, when you're ready to export your project, select the linked Google Ads account you want to export to. Any export codes you’ve already generated are still available and will continue to work until they expire. Create more variants for Google Ads You can now create up to 1,000 variants in video projects for Google Ads.
  8. What's new

    December 14, 2022

    Rename assets and folders You can now change both asset and folder names in the asset library. Create variants offline and upload them in bulk To make it easier to work with projects that have many variants, you can now download your project's variants and rules in a spreadsheet. You can then edit the spreadsheet to create and edit variants offline. You can also assign variants to rules in bulk. Copy display projects If you want to build a similar display project, you can make a copy of an existing display project to save time. Open the display project you want to copy. Click MoreMake a copy. …
  9. 参加我们新推出的数字培训课程,了解如何充分利用 Ads Creative Studio

    2022 年 12 月 6 日

    我们刚刚推出了综合在线课程,介绍如何使用 Ads Creative Studio 制作视频广告和展示广告。在本课程中,您将学习如何设置和管理帐号、如何制作效果出色的视频广告和展示广告、如何将这些广告导出到媒体平台,以及如何执行介于这两者之间的所有操作。立即参加培训 - 技能学堂以 20 多种语言提供此培训。 想要进一步提升广告素材效果方面的知识?不妨在技能学堂中探索 Google 的全部广告素材培训,然后通过认证考试来展示您的能力,并在 LinkedIn 个人资料中使用徽章来展示行业认可的成就。要参加培训,请访问 goo.gle/skillshopcreative。 作者:Erica King 和 Melissa Gade,高级全球教育专员
  10. What's new

    November 17, 2022

    Upload display ads with click tags You can now upload display ads that use click tags and export them to Display & Video 360 or Campaign Manager 360. Click tags are used to open landing pages in simple display ads, often an image someone can click to open your advertiser’s landing page.
  11. What's new

    October 18, 2022

    Make a copy of a video project If you want to build a similar video project, you can make a copy of an existing video project to save time. Open the video project you want to copy. Click MoreMake a copy. Make text stand out in video projects If the text in your video ad needs more contrast, you can add an outline, or stroke, to the characters. Edit your template, select a text element, then edit the stroke settings. You can change the stroke's width, color, and opacity.
  12. 新变化

    2022 年 8 月 23 日

    从素材资源库中移除素材资源 您可以从素材资源库中移除您不再需要的素材资源。移除素材资源时,素材资源只会从素材资源库中移除。素材资源不会从以下位置移除: 使用该素材资源的项目 使用该素材资源的广告的报告 该素材资源导出到的其他广告平台 如果您误移除了素材资源,可在 15 秒内撤消移除并恢复相关素材资源。如果您选择不恢复该素材资源,则可重新上传。 您可以从卡片或表格视图中移除素材资源,也可以在预览时移除素材资源。 注意:目前,您无法移除文件夹。此功能将在未来几个月内推出。 在表格中查看和修改视频变体 如果您需要一次修改多个变体,请尝试切换到表格视图 。 在表格视图中预览已分配规则的视频变体 您可以在表格视图中预览已分配规则的视频变体,以确保其正确无误。选择规则后,即可在表格下方预览已分配规则的变体。您可以调整预览面板的大小,并使用视频控件播放视频。
  13. 新变化

    2022 年 8 月 23 日

    从素材资源库中移除素材资源 您可以从素材资源库中移除您不再需要的素材资源。移除素材资源时,素材资源只会从素材资源库中移除。素材资源不会从以下位置移除: 使用该素材资源的项目 使用该素材资源的广告的报告 该素材资源导出到的其他广告平台 如果您误移除了素材资源,可在 15 秒内撤消移除并恢复相关素材资源。如果您选择不恢复该素材资源,则可重新上传。 您可以从卡片或表格视图中移除素材资源,也可以在预览时移除素材资源。 注意:目前,您无法移除文件夹。此功能将在未来几个月内推出。 在表格中查看和修改视频变体 如果您需要一次修改多个变体,请尝试切换到表格视图 。 在表格视图中预览已分配规则的视频变体 您可以在表格视图中预览已分配规则的视频变体,以确保其正确无误。选择规则后,即可在表格下方预览已分配规则的变体。您可以调整预览面板的大小,并使用视频控件播放视频。